Do you yearn for simple, pure worship of God? Lloyd demonstrates in his newest book how the church must return to that necessary place of simplicity and purity in Christ. We have complicated church life with practices we have copied from the world. A divine reset of the church is on the horizon. Get ready! available on Amazon and Elsewhere
Who we Are
Mary and Lloyd are two normal Christians who desire to share God's heart about the body of Christ. Lloyd is a former pastor and teacher who was led out of traditional ministry to servant ministry that rejects the clergy system and welcomes the revelation of the priesthood of all believers where all have a ministry in the body of Christ. Mary carries in her heart the desire for true worship led by the Spirit and entered into by the people of God. Authors page on Amazon:
What we Believe
We believe it is possible to live in fellowship with Christ who revealed Himself to humanity and lives through the Holy Spirit to provide His abundant life to all who seek Him. We believe also that victorious life in Him depends on a commitment to live in fellowship with His people, the body of Christ. Many people see Christianity as an independent life in which a person lives by a few spiritual principles. This is a devastating error. God originally created us to live in connection with Him and one another. We are made that way so if we try to go it on our own, we will fail in our spiritual journey. The early church began their journey realizing that life in Christ demands fellowship (sharing of life) with others who have found Him. (Acts 2:42).
All of the other doctrines revealed in God's word will be revealed to us as we commit to receiving Christ and then receiving the body of Christ as the context in which truth is revealed (Eph 4:15, 16). The identity of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, salvation in Him, heaven and hell, His eternal purpose, and so much more are realized as we live in harmony with Christ, through His Holy Spirit to the glory of the Father as revealed in His word, the Bible. "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you" (Matt 6:33).